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Business Class Concepts: View Response #1,141

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Indicate your satisfaction with our Business Class seat on the wide-body fleet of A340s and A330s.

  Extremely Dissatisfied Average Extremely Satisfied 
Satisfaction with the features and attributes of our current Business Class seat. 

Additional comments about the seat features and attributes (likes and dislikes).


Please indicate the factors that influence your decision to fly with SAA in Business Class.


As a regular traveller, please tell us which airline has the best Business Class seat in your opinion and why?

Nhung loi ich khi dau tu du an MARINA CITY MUI NE

Please list the TOP 10 features and attributes of a Business Class seat that are critical for your comfort and well-being when travelling on long haul sectors.

Seat/bed width

How often do you fly on long haul sectors in Business Class?


Indicate your your gender.


Indicate your age category.

31-40 yrs

Indicate your figure type.


Indicate your height.


Additional comments for enhancements.

Du an Novaworld Mui Ne se la tuyet tac co mot khong hai boi su ket hop tuyet voi giua su kien tao cua con nguoi va khong gian thien nhien my mieu Ban dang ban khoan tim mot noi an cu lac nghiep ban la nguoi kinh doanh bat dong san dang tim du an dau tu ban muon tim noi sinh song va phat trien toan dien Thi duoi day la nhung ly do ma Noval world Mui Ne danh cho ban nhung nguoi co kha nang kinh te ma tam hon lai yeu thien nhien

1. Co hoi vang de dau tu
Se di vao hoat dong nam 2023 Cao Toc Phan Thiet Dau Giay va san bay Phan Thiet la 2 nhan to quan then chot de cac nha dau tu chi tien mua Novaworld Mui Ne trong giai doan nay Suc hut manh me tu cac cong trinh ha tang nay se la diem nong cho moi nguoi do bo ve dau tu  Nam trong tay vi tri co tiem nang tang gia cao boi cong trinh ha tang giao thong kem theo do la  gia tri khai thac thuong mai khi du an khanh thanh Chac chan nha dau tu so huu san pham tai Novaworld Mui Ne se sinh loi trong 3 nam toi Dac biet la nhung chinh sach uu dai tai giai doan ban hang dau tien nhu sau

Uu dai den 100 trieu dong khi check in San Giao Dich

Uu dai len den 100 trieu khi check in Centara Mirage Resort Mui Ne

Uu dai 100 trieu dong danh cho Khach hang nganh y te giao duc

Phi uu dai giu cho chi tu 3

Mon qua uu dai 2 danh cho Nova Loyalty chua so huu san pham NovaWorld va Qua tang he sinh thai NovaGroup den 300 trieu

Voi Uu dai 3 khong khong goc – khong lai – khong phi tat toan 

Uu dai thanh toan nhanh co the len den 12
2. Lo trinh ro rang
Giai doan 2023 cao toc Phan Thiet Dau Giay thong xe San bay Phan Thiet hoat dong

Giai doan 2025 trien khai giao full Novaworld va cac du an trong yeu

Giai doan 2030 Toi da hoa loi nhuan tu kinh te du lich dem den bat dong san 

 2022 se la thoi diem co mot khong hai de mua Novaworld Mui Ne tot nhat
3. Co hoi de mua
Khi so sanh gia ban bat dong san o Phan Thiet so voi cac thi truong bat dong san nghi duong khac  dien hinh nhu Ha Long Da Nang Phu Quoc thi du an Novaworld Mui Ne thap hon vi thi truong tai Phan Thiet van con moi 

Gia su quy khach lua chon mua can biet thu tai Novaworld Mui Ne voi gia ban tam 12 ty Gia ban sau uu dai khi mua giai doan dau tien la 11 5 ty Vay nen trong 3 nam den khi ban giao nha thuong khach chi thanh toan 20 gia tri san pham dieu nay tuong duong khoang 2 3 ty dong 

Voi so von bo ra ban dau nho khac hang co the so huu duoc mot can biet thu doi voi view huong bien va trai nghiem the gioi thuong luu xa hoa cung nhung tien ich hang dau nhu ben du thuyen lon nhat Dong Nam A khu vui choi giai tri trung tam thuong mai bac nhat
Cac MXH Marina City Mui Ne tham gia:

Created at 3/19/2022 5:57 PM by  
Last modified at 3/19/2022 5:57 PM by